
Showing posts from April, 2010


The word ‘chips’ normally conjure up an image of potato wafers-------- which is fried food, junk food, unhealthy food. The health conscious consumer tends to resist temptation and prefers to keep away from such products. Besides, the market is flooded with these products; obviously the competition in this segment is quite stiff. By taking the health route in its commercial, Parle Monaco manages to draw attention and entices the consumer to try out the product. Well I do not know about anybody else but the message that the chips are “Not Fried” but baked definitely appealed to me and I went right ahead and purchased a pack. At the back of the pack there is a nutrition chart comparing regular chips with Smart Chips which further reinforces the commercial’s health claim. After opening it I realized it was essentially a biscuit------- a different version of the Parle Monaco biscuit. The ingredients do mention potato flour, not surprisingly therefore; the taste is a cross between a biscuit


The purpose of an ad is to communicate with the target audience, evoke interest, highlight product attributes and also instill a certain degree of confidence in the consumer’s mind. The latest commercial for Godrej Security Solutions fails on the last two counts. It does communicate with the target audience; it also manages to evoke interest with its comic tone but fails to highlight the product’s attributes and ironically for a product range promising ‘Security Solutions’, fails to instill confidence. It in fact manages to scare by almost making a veiled threat. The commercial opens with two well- dressed gentlemen talking to a resident of a flat, in a very polite and courteous tone; one of the two gentlemen asks the flat’s resident to open the safety door or else they will have to break it down. The confused and frightened resident complies with the demand. Once inside the two put on their burglar masks and ask the resident, to relax while they loot him, assuring him that if they nee

ESSAR TV Commercial

The ESSAR TV commercial currently on air has caught my attention. It is a well executed ad, what I like about is its simplicity, it does not exactly have a big idea so to say. It conveys skillfully and clearly through animated graphics which appear as chalk drawings on a blackboard. The animated chalk drawings keep morphing to depict the diversified activities of ESSAR. I do not know the true purpose of this ad campaign, perhaps because I not one of their target audience; may be it is goodwill building exercise but what ever may be the purpose it is truly engaging..