TATA ACE – What are they trying to say?
A series of new TV commercials (TVCs) for Tata Ace are currently on air now, whenever I saw them on TV I found it difficult to comprehend the exact message the advertiser is trying to convey. To begin with I did not realize that there were more than one TVC running on TV for Tata Ace. In order to understand the commercial better I decided to examine it (at that time I thought that it was a single TVC) closely on YouTube. The first thing I realized that there are three TVCs each of 90 seconds duration; the titles given to them are Lalitpur , Malipet and Pehelgaon . The look and feel of these TVCs are almost identical, whatever differences exists among them are of no consequence, the script is essentially the same; if you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all. The TVCs attempted to be funny, how successfully I am not sure. Two TVCs feature one white man each and the third TVC features a white woman, each of them are shown participating in a quiz show at a rural mela like setting. The quiz ...