
Showing posts from February, 2011

Thums Up New TV Commercial -- The Action Continues

The above picture is from the latest Thums Up TV commercial which is yet to be released. The brand Thums Up has been associated with action, courage and dare-devilry for quite some years; although I am not in favour of using celebrities I find that alongwith Akshay Kumar’s celebrity status his action hero image plays an important role in the brand’s positioning. All the three cola brands have been using celebrities for years; currently Pepsi is trying to appeal to the youth with its ‘Youngistan’ campaign perhaps trying to reposition Coca-Cola as fuddy-duddy like it occasional...

You Are Never Too Old For Sil

I would like to go on rewind mode this time and would like to recall the Sil Jams TV campaign which caught the attention of TV viewers more than a decade ago; I do not recall the exact year. The campaign comprised two commercials and the message was that the jams were so tasty that they brought out the child in you. One commercial was set in a boardroom where very senior gentlemen were shown to be holding a meeting, their behaviour underwent a complete transformation when snacks were served with Sil Jams – each of them began to behave and talk like small children. The other TV commercial features ‘experts’ giving their opinion on Sil Jams, these ‘experts’ are actually grownups behaving and talking in the voice of kids. The punch line of these two commercials is: Sil Fresh Fruit Jams, you are never too old for Sil! When I viewed the ads in the beginning I did not quite like them because I found them bizarre; grownup men behaving like kids and also t...