
Showing posts from May, 2012

Max New York Life -- Correct Advice?

There are about two dozen or more life insurance companies operating in India at present, competition is stiff; every life insurance company needs to stand out of the crowd by making a differentiated offering to the consumer. But this difficult, that is because there is little or no significant difference among the various plans/products offered by various life insurance companies.  Max New York Life has upon an idea to be different from others and that is by showing that there insurance advisers do business ethically by putting the customers’ (or prospects’) interest above their own unlike others. Max New York Life has launched a ad campaign through which it cautions people against wrong advice given by life insurance agents in order to grab business. It is trying to show that insurance agent generally tend to misguide prospects by making false promises and also by making them take more insurance than they really need or can afford. In sharp contrast the agent (or adviser as the ...

Murthy Knows Best

The current Voltas All-Weather AC advertising campaign is among the best I have seen in recent times. It is a three ad campaign ( Cherapunjee, Kota and Mukteshwar ) featuring an affable gentleman called ‘Murthy’ who keeps getting transferred from place to place; each place he is transferred to has a different climate, but Murthy is not at all worried because he uses Voltas AC which takes care of his problem quite efficiently, as he says in the ads – “Whatever the weather outside you are comfortable inside”, to my mind this is a powerful proposition. The campaign addresses different air-conditioning needs of people very effectively, whether it is about getting relief from excessive humidity, heat or extreme cold – Voltas AC is the answer to all. The proposition, “Whatever the weather outside you are comfortable inside,” is effectively conveyed, without any distracting sound or visuals, the proposition is also well supported by giving the reason why through animat...