Eating Rice is Wise
Advertising branded rice can pose a challenge because rice is after all a commodity, how different can one basmati rice brand be from the other? How does a company position its brand of rice? Well, branded rice companies have been trying to be different to stand out in the clutter. Traditionally the messages in basmati rice advertisements have always been about long grain, flavour and aroma. But that is not enough; one brand needs to differentiate itself from the other, some brands are trying to make distinctly different claims. Let us analyse some of the TV commercials appearing on TV currently or that have appeared in the recent past. Dawat like the others has always been advertised for its long grain and taste and this continues but now a new layer has been added to its proposition in its recent ad and that is about love – serving Dawat is now an expression of love, in other words if you happen to love someone you express it by serving him/her Dawat Basmati Rice. Amitabh Bach...