TATA SALT LITE – A well made ad but does it mislead the consumer?
This ad is being shown on television for quite some time; perhaps I should have written about it earlier in this blog. Salt is believed to be dangerous for a person suffering from blood pressure (BP), using light humour the ad effective demonstrates the suffering a BP patient has to goes through, which is eating food with no or very little salt to control his BP, his helplessness is convincingly shown. The interaction between the father (BP patient) and his daughter is very interesting and engaging; the father begging his daughter for a piece to eat and the daughter not permitting him is both humourous and at the same time you feel sorry for the man because he seems to be destined to eat bland food. I like the script and acting. The message conveyed to the audience is very clear – With Tata Salt Lite in the house he (the BP patient) need not deprive himself of tasty food, all he needs to do is to just replace regular salt with Tata Salt Lite and enjoy the taste like others. He does no...