Unisex Washing Machine
Sometime in the middle of this year (2015) Lloyd Electric and Engineering Ltd. introduced their brand of washing machines as India’s first “Unisex Washing Machine”. Why and how is Lloyd Washing Machine unisex? Well, that is the positioning platform they took to differentiate their product from those of the competitors. The campaign is based on the insight, as reported in the media, that most men do not like to do household chores such as washing clothes which they leave to women to attend to, since the general belief or attitude is that it is the woman’s work. The other reason why women end up operating the washing machine is because men find it rather daunting to operate a washing machines. So Lloyd brings a washing machine which uses “UVtron Technology” to kill germs, “Inverter Technology” and is simple to operate — “so easy that sir can do the washing” as the ad says (the ad is embedded at the end of this article). Since Lloyd Washing Machine is so easy to operate even the man of th...