Pepsi Thi Pi Gaya
View the TV commercial below:
My immediate feeling on seeing this ad was that it was executed very well and I think using ordinary people for the ad and not any celebrity was a sensible idea, I believe that if you have a good creative idea you do not need celebrities; connecting with the target audience directly instead of going via celebrity was a wise decision. Cinematically speaking the ad was made very well. In the beginning of the ad we see the student leader threatening to go on an indefinite hunger strike if the demands are not met, the atmosphere is highly charged and we see that the student leader is clearly in control. After this we see a twist when one of the students sees a bottle of Pepsi and begins drinking from it, at this point the entire mood changes and we see the protest falling flat, it gets established that the leader has lost control. The attention shifts from the students’ protest to Pepsi. The principal actors, the student leader and the young man who drinks Pepsi, have acted very well; the contrast between these two characters is established beautifully. The young lady playing the TV journalist has effectively brought out the character of a typical sensationalist journalist. The credit goes to the director and those involved for showing the reactions and expressions beautifully.
From the marketing communications point of view the TVC creates the necessary impact and is very engaging, it establishes or reinforces the claim that Pepsi is simply irresistible no matter what the situation is. Since there is no celebrity in this ad the product Pepsi is clearly the hero.
Overall I quite like this ad; however what I found was that some students have reacted negatively to this ad. They feel it is insensitive and insulting to student movements and therefore is not in good taste. This negative reaction comes from a section of the very people Pepsi is trying to sell to; I wonder how this would impact the campaign. Now I am eager to see what will come next from Pepsi. To know more about this ad campaign please click the link below:
Viewers call Pepsi’s new ad insensitive
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